GROUP publications

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Book chapters

1.Tortiglione C*, de la Fuente JM*. Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles for Gene Silencing. Chapter 15. In RNA Interference and Cancer Therapy. In Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology Editor: Lekha Dinesh Kumar, Springer eBook ISBN 978-1-4939-9220-1- DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-9220-1, ISSN 1064-3745. June 2019

2.M. Moros, L. Gonzalez-Moragas, A. Tino, A. Laromaine, C. Tortiglione*. Invertebrate models for hyperthermia: what we learned from Caenorhabditis elegans and Hydra vulgaris. Chapter 9 in “Nanomaterials for Magnetic and Optical Hyperthermia Applications”, Advanced Nanomaterials” series, eBook ISBN: 9780128139295 Chapter 9, Paperback ISBN: 9780128139288 Ed: R. Fratila, J.M. de la Fuente, Elsevier, published 14 dec 2018

3. Terracciano, M., De Stefano, L.,  Santos H.A., , Martucci, N.M., Tino, A., Ruggiero, I., Rendina, I., Migliaccio, N., Tortiglione, C., Lamberti, A., Rea, I. Silica-based Nanovectors: from Mother Nature to Biomedical Applications. Silica-Based Nanovectors: From Mother Nature to Biomedical Applications. In “Algae - Organisms for Imminent Biotechnology”, Dr. Dharumadurai Dhanasekaran (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/63191.pp.211–235

4. Tino A, Ambrosone A, Marchesano V and Tortiglione C* (2014) Molecular bases of nanotoxicology. Chapeter 9 , pp. 229-253. In ”Bio- and Bioinspired Nanomaterials”, D. Ruiz-Molina, F.Novio, C.Roscini Eds, ISBN: 978-3-527-33581-7 , Oct 2014 Wiley-VCH

  1. 5.Tortiglione C* (2011). An Ancient Model Organism to Test In Vivo Novel Functional Nanocrystals. Chapter 10, pp. 225-252 . In “Biomedical Engineering - From Theory to Applications”, Reza Fazel-Rezai Ed., ISBN: 978-953-307-637-9, Aug 2011 InTech Publisher

  1. 6.Tortiglione, C., Malva, C., Pennacchio, F., Rao, R.  (1999). New Genes For Pest Control. In Genetics and breeding for crop quality and resistance,  (ed. G. T. S. M. E. P. E.A.Magnotta), pp. 159-163: Kluwer Academic Publisher

Most recent abstract proceedings (2018- to date)

C. Tortiglione, G. Tommasini, M. De Simone, S. Santillo, M. Iencharelli, G. R. Dufil, D. Mantione, E. Stavrinidou, A. Tino. A simple animal model to discover neuroactive function of semiconducting oligomers.

MRS Spring 2024, 22-26 April. 

M. Iencharelli, G. Tommasini, V. De Felice, N. Dell’Aversano, M. A. Ferrara, G. Coppola, F. Di Maria, M. Zangoli, M. Moros, A. Tino, C. Tortiglione. A deep insight into the mechanism of production of living conducting materials. MRS Spring 2024, 22-26 April.

M. Iencharelli, G. Tommasini, V. Di Meo, G. Sanità, A. Criscitelli,  E. Esposito, A. Ferrara, G. Coppola, F. Di Maria, M. Zangoli, M. Moros, A. Tino, C. Tortiglione*. In vivo bioengineering of conductive microfibers: from in vivo biosynthesis to advanced characterization . 2023 MRS Fall meeting, 22 November - 1 December 2023 Boston.

C. Tortiglione*, G. Tommasini, M. De Simone, S. Santillo,  M. Iencharelli, G. Dufil, D. Mantione, E. Stavrinidou, A. Tino. Engineered living electronic interfaces. 2023 MRS Fall meeting, 22 November - 1 December 2023 Boston.

N.  Dell’Aversano, G. Tommasini, M. L. Amenta, M. Valentina, M. Moros, A. Tino, C. Tortiglione. Heat and Gold Nanoparticles: new photothermal therapy approaches for tissue regeneration. 4th IBBR Memorial Workshop 16th - 17th of November 2023.

M. Iencharelli, G. Tommasini, S. Santillo, G. Sanita’, E. Esposito, V. Di Meo, A. Crescitelli, M. A. Ferrara, G. Coppola, A. Tino and C. Tortiglione. Integrated approaches for fine characterization of a new class of living materials. 4th IBBR Memorial Workshop 16th - 17th of November 2023.

N.Dell’Aversano, G. Tommasini, M.L. Amenta, M. Valentina,  M. Moros, A. Tino, Claudia Tortiglione. Advanced nanotools to enhance Hydra regeneration by hyperthermia. Tutzing basal metazoan workshop: Evolution of resilience, regeneration, and animal complexity - insights from basal metazoans.  8- 21 September Tutzing, Germany.

C.Tortiglione. New Models for in Vivo Fabrication and Actuation of Bioelectronic Interface. CRC 1461 Neurotronics, 26 October 2023-2027.

C.Tortiglione. Cnidaria models for in vivo fabrication of bioelectronic interfaces. Invited speaker at: Cnidofest zoom seminar, 19 of January 2023.

G.Tommasini*, S. Del Sol Fernandez, R. M. Fratila, M. Moros, C. Tortiglione. Magnetic hypethermia: triggering different biological effect tuning magnetic nanoparticles composition. 3rd IBBR Memorial Workshop 10th-11st of November 2022.

M. Iencharelli, M.Di Giosia, P. E. Costantini, A. Danielli, F. De Maria, M.Zangoli, M. De Simone, G. Tommasini, M. Calvaresi, A. Tino, C.Tortiglione. New Photodynamic therapy approaches tested in Hydra vulgaris. 3rd IBBR Memorial Workshop 10th-11st of November 2022. First place as Best poster Award.

M.De Simone, G.Tommasini, M.Iencharelli, V.Marchesano, F.Sodano, M.G. Rimoli, V.Taresco,  C.Alexsander, C. Tortiglione, A.Tino. Hydra vulgaris and Nematostella vectensis as model organisms for in vivo study of new synthetic drugs. 3rd IBBR Memorial Workshop 10th-11st of November 2022.

Third place as Best Poster Award.

C.Tortiglione. Photostimulation of organic semiconducting nanoparticles for optical control of tissue tegeneration. Invited speaker at Online Conference on Light Actuators for Optical Stimulation of Living Systems (LIV-ACT) 21st September, 2022.

C.Tortiglione. A new in vivo model for bioelectronics. Invited lecture Session FO-4 Bio-medical devices with biological and bio-inspired materials of Symposium FO "Biological, Biohybrid and Bioinspired Materials: From Electronics and Photonics to Medicine" CIMTEC, 9th Forum on New Materials, 25-29 June 2022.

M.Iencharelli, M.Di Giosia, P. E. Costantini, A. Danielli, F. De Maria, M.Zangoli, M. De Simone, G. Tommasini, A. Tino, M. Calvaresi, C.Tortiglione.  A new in vivo model for photodynamic therapy approaches. Advanced materials and devices for nanomedicine (AMA4MED) 3rd-4th of May 2022.

M.De Simone, A.Tino, C.Tortiglione, G.Tommasini, M.Iencharelli, F.Sodano, M.G. Rimoli, V.Taresco, C.Alexsander. Cnidarian as Useful Invertebrate Model to Explore New Drugs and Nanoformulations. Advanced materials and devices for nanomedicine (AMA4MED) 3rd-4th of May 2022.

G.Tommasini*, F.Di Maria, M. Zangoli, M. Iencharelli, A.Tino, M. Moros, C.Tortiglione. Engineered living materials for biomeical application. Advanced materials and devices for nanomedicine (AMA4MED) 3rd-4th of May 2022.

V.Marchesano*, M.L.Amenta, G.Tommasini, M.Iencharelli, M.De Simone, A.Tino, E.Stavrinidou, M.Moros,  C.Tortiglione. Enhancing tissue Regeneration through optical hyperthermia. Advanced materials and devices for nanomedicine (AMA4MED) 3rd-4th of May 2022.

C.Tortiglione. New Models for In Vivo Fabrication and Actuation of Bioelectronic Interfaces. Invited speaker at Organic bioelectronics conference 8th of February 2022.

G. Tommasini*, G. Dufil, F. Di Maria, M. Zangoli, M. Iencharelli, M. De Simone, A. Tino, E. Stavrinidou, M. Moros, C. Tortiglione. New models for in vivo fabrication and actuation of bioelectronic interface. Organic Bioelectronics Conference (OBe) 8-9th of February 2022

G.Tommasini*, G. Dufil, F. Fardella, X. Strakosas, E. Fergola, T. Abrahamsson, D. Bliman, R.Olsson , M. Berggren, A.Tino, E.Stavrinidou, and C.Tortiglione In-vivo fabrication of bioelectronic interface via polymerization of conjugated oligomers. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Conference Optical Microsystem, 16 September 2021 Rome, Italy.

M.L. Amenta, G. Tommasini, M. Rippa, A. Tino, M. Moros*, C. Tortiglione

Tuning photothermal effect of gold nanoprisms: mild hyperthermia for regenerative medicine. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Conference Optical Microsystem, 17 September 2021 Rome, Italy.

C.Tortiglione. Dissecting the Intracellular Fate of Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots in vivo Using Synchrotron XRF and XANES” European Synchroton Radiation Facility, Keynote talk- Microsymposium UDM2 “Nanomaterials life cycle: from nanoengineering to public health” 5 February 2020, Grenoble, France

G.Onorato, M.Moros, A.Bauduin, M. R. Antognazza, G. Lanzani, A.Tino, C. Tortiglione. Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles Enhance Tissue Regeneration in vivo. Orbitaly 21-23 Ottobre 2019 Best poster presentation.

G. Tommasini, M. Moros, F. Di Maria, P. Dardano, M. Zangoli, H. Castillo-Michel, M. Blasio, L. De Stefano, A. Tino, G. Barbarella, C. Tortiglione. Fluorescent Conductive Protein-dye Microfibers Co-assembled in vivo. Orbitaly 21-23 Ottobre 2019 Napoli

M.Moros, A. Ambrosone, M. Blasio, JM de la Fuente, A.Tino and C.Tortiglione. Magnetic and optical hyperthermia in an invertebrate model system. V Convegno Nazionale “Interazioni tra Campi Elettromagnetici e Biosistemi” 28-30 November 2019 Salerno, Italy

M.Moros, A. Ambrosone, M. Blasio, JM de la Fuente, A.Tino and C.Tortiglione. Magnetic and optical hyperthermia in an invertebrate model system. V Convegno Nazionale “Interazioni tra Campi Elettromagnetici e Biosistemi” 28-30 Novembre 2018 Salerno, Italy

G. Veronesi, M Moros, H Castillo-Michel, K. Wegner, L Mattera, P Reiss, C Tortiglione.  In vivo transformations of indium phosphide quantum dots in a model organism. Sixth International Conference nanoSAFE 2018. 5-9 November 2018 Minatec-Grenoble, France

G. Veronesi, M Moros, H Castillo-Michel, K. D Wegner, L Mattera, P Reiss, C Tortiglione. A deep insight into the intracellular fate of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals in vivo. National Conference on Material Science and Technology. 22-26 October 2018, Bologna, Italy

A.Tino, M.Moros. M.Blasio, F.Di Maria, P.Dardano, M.Zangoli, G.Onorato, L. De Stefano, G.Barbarella, C.Tortiglione. In vivo Fabrication of fluorescent conductive microfibrils. National Conference on Material Science and Technology. 22-26 October 2018, Bologna, Italy

C.Tortiglione, M.R.Antognazza, A.Tino, C.Bossio, M.Moros, A.Baudin, G.Onorato, V.Marchesano, M.Zangoli, G.Lanzani. Photostimulation of semiconduting polymer nanoparticles to control physiological functions in vivo. CIMTEC 2018, 8th Forum on New Materials, 10-14 June 2018, Perugia, Italy

M.Moros, F.Di Maria, P.Dardano, M.Zangoli, G.Onorato, A.Baudin, A.Tino, L. De Stefano, G.Barbarella, C.Tortiglione. Bioengineering fluorescent conductive microfibrils in vivo. CIMTEC 2018, 8th Forum on New Materials, 10-14 June 2018, Perugia, Italy

  1. 1.P. E. Costantini, R. Saporetti, M. Iencharelli, S. Flammini, M. Montrone, G. Sanità, V. De Felice, E. J. Mattioli, M. Zangoli, L. Ulfo, M. Nigro, T. Rossi, M. Di Giosia, E. Esposito, F. Di Maria, A. Tino, C. Tortiglione, A. Danielli, M. Calvaresi, Phage-Templated Synthesis of Targeted Photoactive 1D-Thiophene Nanoparticles. Small 2024, 2405832.

  2. 2.N. Dell’Aversano, M. L. Amenta, M. Rippa, M. Moros, A. Tino, C. Tortiglione, Optical Switchers to Manipulate Intracellular Pathways and Boost Tissue Regeneration. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2405400.

  3. 3.G. Tommasini, S. D. Sol-Fernández, A. C. Flavián-Lázaro, A. Lewinska, M. Wnuk, C. Tortiglione, M. Moros, Remote Magneto–Thermal Modulation of Reactive Oxygen Species Balance Enhances Tissue Regeneration In Vivo. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2405282.

  4. 4.  G. Tommasini, M. De Simone, S. Santillo, G. Dufil, M. Iencharelli, D. Mantione, E. Stavrinidou, A. Tino , and C. Tortiglione. In vivo neuromodulation of animal behavior with organic semiconducting oligomers. Science Advances, 2023, Doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adi5488.

  5. 5.M.Zangoli, A.Cantelli, A.Candini, A.Lewinska, F.Fardella, A.Tino, G.Tommasini, M.Wnuk, M.Moschetta, S.Perotto, M.Lucarini, C.Tortiglione, G.Lanzani, F.Di Maria. Photoreactivity of Thiophene-Based Core@Shell Nanoparticles: The Effect of Photoinduced Charge Separation on In Vivo ROS Production. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2022, Doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06986.

  6. 6. G.Onorato, F.Fardella, A.Lewinska, F.Gobbo, G.Tommasini, M.Wnuk, A.Tino, M.Moros, M.R.Antognazza, C.Tortiglione. Optical Control of Tissue Rigeneration through Photostimulation of organic Semiconducting Nanoparticles. Adv. Healthcare Mater, 2022, Doi: 10.1002/adhm.202200366.

  7. 7. G.Tommasini, G.Dufil, F. Fardella, X.Strakosas, E. Fergola, T.Abrahamsson, D.Bliman, R.Olsson, M.Berggren, A. Tino, E. Stavrinidou, C.Tortiglione, Seamless integration of bioelectronic interface in an animal model via in vivo polymerization of conjugated oligomers», Bioactive Materials, 2022 10: 107-116 . Available on line 28 Aug 2021

  1. 8.M. Moros, E. Fergola, V. Marchesano, M. Mutarelli, G. Tommasini, B. Miedziak, G. Palumbo, A. Ambrosone, A.Tino, C. Tortiglione.  The aquatic invertebrate Hydra vulgaris releases molecular messages through extracellular vesicles. Frontiers in Cell and Molecular Biology. 2021, 9: 3425 Doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.788117

  1. 9.Moros M, Di Maria F, Dardano P, Tommasini G, Castillo-Michel H, Kovtun A, Zangoli M, Blasio M, De Stefano L, Tino A, Barbarella G, Tortiglione C*. In vivo bioengineering of fluorescent conductive protein-dye microfibers, iScience, 2020, 23 (4) Article no.101022  

  1. 10. Schiattarella C, Moretta R, Defforge T, Gautier G, Della Ventura B, Terracciano M, Tortiglione C, Fardella F, Maddalena P, De Stefano L, Velotta R, Rea I. Time-gated luminescence imaging of positively charged poly-L-lysine-coated highly microporous silicon nanoparticles in living Hydra polyp. Journal of Biophotonics, 2020, Article Number: e202000272   

  1. 11. Moros M, Lewinska A, Merola F, Ferraro P, Wnuk M, Tino A, Tortiglione C*. Gold Nanorods and Nanoprisms Mediate Different Photothermal Cell Death Mechanisms In Vitro and In Vivo. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020 Mar 25;12(12):13718-13730.

  1. 12.A Ambrosone, L De Matteis, I Serrano-Sevilla, C Tortiglione, JM De La Fuente. Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta inhibitor delivered by chitosan nanocapsules promotes safe, fast and efficient activation of wnt signalling in vivo. ACS Biomaterial Science Engineering, (2020) 6 (5): 2893–2903

  1. 13. Veronesi G, Moros M, Castillo-Michel HA, Mattera L, Onorato G, Wegner KDD, Ling WL, Reiss P, Tortiglione C. In vivo biotransformations of indium phosphide quantum dots revealed by X-ray micro-spectroscopy. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2019;11(39):35630-35640

  1. 14.Allocca M, Mattera L, Bauduin, Miedziak B, Moros M,  De Trizio L,  Tino  A,  Reiss P, Ambrosone A*,  Tortiglione C*. An integrated multilevel analysis profiling biosafety and toxicity induced by Indium- and Cadmium-based quantum dots in vivo. Environmental Science and Technology, 2019 Apr 2;53(7):3938-3947.

  1. 15.Terracciano M, De Stefano L*, Tortiglione C*, Tino A , Rea I. In vivo toxicity assessment of hybrid diatomite nanovectors using Hydra vulgaris as model system. Advanced Biosystems, Vol 3 No.4 April 2019 - 1800247 (Journal cover)

  1. 16. Moros M, Kyriazi ME, Afaf H. El-Sagheer, Brown T, Tortiglione C*, Kanaras AG*. DNA-Coated Gold Nanoparticles for the Detection of mRNA in Live Hydra Vulgaris Animals. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11(15):13905-13911.

  1. 17. Iachetta R, Ambrosone A, Klimovich A, Wittlieb J, Onorato G, Candeo A, D'andrea C, Intartaglia D, Scotti N, Blasio M, Tino A, Bassi A, Tortiglione C*. Real time dynamics of β-catenin expression during Hydra development, regeneration and Wnt signalling activation. International Journal Developmental Biology. 62(4-5):311-31

  1. 18. Moros, M, Lewinska, A., Antognazza, MR, Di Maria F, Blasio M., lanzani G, TinoA, Wnuk M, Tortiglione C*. Light-triggered modulation of cell antioxidant defense by polymer semiconducting nanoparticles in a model organism MRS Communication, 2018, 8 (3) 918-925,

  1. 19.Borzenkov M, Moros M, Tortiglione C, Bertoldi S, Contessi N, Faré S, Taglietti A, D'Agostino A, Pallavicini P, Collini M, Chirico G. Fabrication of photothermally active poly(vinyl alcohol) films with gold nanostars for antibacterial applications. Beilstein Journal Nanotechnology. 2018 Jul 23;9:2040-2048. doi: 10.3762/bjnano.9.193

  1. 20. Ambrosone A, Roopin M, Pelaz B, Abdelmonem AM, Ackermann LM, Mattera L, Allocca M, Tino A, Klapper M, Parak WJ, Levy O, Tortiglione C*. Dissecting common and divergent molecular pathways elicited by CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in freshwater and marine sentinel invertebrates. Nanotoxicology. 2017 Mar;11(2):289-303.

  1. 21. C. Tortiglione*, M. R. Antognazza, A. Tino, C. Bossio, V. Marchesano, A. Bauduin, M. Zangoli, S. V. Morata, G. Lanzani, Semiconducting polymers are light nanotransducers in eyeless animals. Science Advances. 2017, Vol 3, no.1, e1601699.

  1. 22.Ambrosone A., Marchesano V., Carregal-Romero S, Intartaglia D, Parak WJ, Tortiglione C*. Control of Wnt/β-catenin Signalling Pathway in vivo via Light Responsive Capsules. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 4828-4834

This article was highlighted in Perspective article: Illuminating Cell Signaling with Near-Infrared Light-Responsive Nanomaterials. Y. Zhang et al, ACS Nano 2016, 10 (4): 3881-3885

  1. 23. Tortiglione C*, Iachetta R. Playing with nanoparticle shapes and laser powers to decide which route to take during photothermal therapy: apoptosis or necrosis?  Ann Transl Med. 2016 4 (Suppl1):S51

  1. 24. Conde J, Ambrosone A, Hernandez Y, Tian F, McCully M, Berry CC, Baptista PV, Tortiglione C, de la Fuente JM.15 years on siRNA delivery: beyond the State-of-the-Art on inorganic nanoparticles for RNAi Therapeutics. Nano Today 2015, 10 (4) 421–450

  1. 25. Marchesano V,  Ambrosone A, Bartelmess J, Strisciante F, Tino A,  Echegoyen LE, Tortiglione C*, Giordani S*. Impact of Carbon Nano-Onions on Hydra vulgaris as a Model Organism for Nanoecotoxicology. Nanomaterials, 2015 Special issue in nanotoxicology 5 ( 3 ):1331 - 1350

  1. 26. Moros M, Ambrosone A, Stepien G, Fabozzi F, Marchesano V, Castaldi A, Tino A, de la Fuente JM, Tortiglione C*. Deciphering intracellular events triggered by mild magnetic hyperthermia in vitro and in vivo. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2015 Jul;10(14):2167-83.

  1. 27. Tortiglione C. (2014) The heritable effects of nanotoxicity. REVIEW. Nanomedicine (Lond) 2014,  Dec; 9(18):2829-41.

  1. 28. Ambrosone A, Scotto di Vettimo MR, Malvindi MA, Roopin M, Levy O, Marchesano V, Pompa PP, Tortiglione C, Tino A. Impact of Amorphous SiO2 Nanoparticles on a Living Organism: Morphological, Behavioral, and Molecular Biology Implications. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2014 Sep 29;2:37

  1. 29. Ambrosone A, del Pino P, Marchesano V, Parak WJ, de la Fuente JM, Tortiglione C*. Gold nanoprisms for photothermal cell ablation in vivo, Nanomedicine (Lond) 2014 Special Focus: Biomedical application of gold nanomaterials. 9(13):1913-22.   

  1. 30. Ambrosone A, Marchesano V, Mazzarella V, Tortiglione C*. Nanotoxicology using the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: from developmental toxicity to genotoxicology Nanotoxicology 2014 ; 8(5):508-20. Epub 2013 Jun

  1. 31. V.Marchesano, Y.Hernandez, W.Salvenmoser, A.Ambrosone, A.Tino, B.Hobmayer, JM de la Fuente and C.Tortiglione*. Imaging inwards and outwards trafficking of gold nanoparticles in whole animals. ACS Nano 2013 Mar 26;7(3):2431-42.

  1. 32. Ambrosone A, Tortiglione C*. Methodological approaches for nanotoxicology using Cnidarian models. Invited review, Toxicology mechanisms and methods 2013 Special Issue : Nanotoxicology. 23(3):207-16.

  1. 33. Conde J, Ambrosone A, Sanz V, Hernandez Y, Marchesano V, Tian F, Child H, Berry CC, Ibarra MR, Baptista PV, Tortiglione C*, de la Fuente JM*. Design of Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles for In Vitro and In Vivo Gene Silencing. ACS Nano 2012 6 (9), 8316–8324.

  1. 34. Ambrosone A, Marchesano V, Tino A, Hobmayer B, Tortiglione C*. Hymyc1 Downregulation Promotes Stem Cell Proliferation in Hydra vulgaris. PloS One 2012 ;7(1):e30660.

  1. 35. Ambrosone A, Mattera L, Marchesano V, Quarta A, Susha AS, Tino A, Rogach AL, Tortiglione C*. Mechanisms underlying toxicity induced by CdTe quantum dots determined in an invertebrate model organism. Biomaterials 2012 ; 33(7):1991-2000.

  1. 36. Malvindi MA, Di Corato R, Curcio A, Melisi D, Rimoli MG, Tortiglione C, Tino A, George C, Brunetti V, Cingolani R, Pellegrino T, Ragusa A. Multiple functionalization of fluorescent nanoparticles for specific biolabeling and drug delivery of dopamine. Nanoscale 2011; 3, 5110-5019.

  1. 37. Tino A, Ambrosone A, Mattera L, Marchesano V, Susha A, Rogach A, Tortiglione C*. (2011) A new in vivo model systemto assess the toxicity of semiconductor nanocrystals. International Journal of Biomaterials 2011. Vol 2011, Article ID 792854, doi:10.1155/2011/792854

  1. 38. Tortiglione C*, Quarta A, Malvindi MA, Tino A, Pellegrino T. Fluorescent nanocrystals reveal regulated portals of entry into and between the cells of Hydra. PloS One 2009, 4, e7698

  1. 39. Quarta A, Ragusa A, Deka S, Tortiglione C, Tino A, Cingolani R, and Pellegrino T. Bioconjugation of rod-shaped fluorescent nanocrystals for efficient targeted cell labeling. Lamguimir 2009; 25, 12614-12622.

  1. 40. Malvindi MA, Carbone L, Quarta A, Tino A, Manna L, Pellegrino T and Tortiglione C*. Rod-shaped nanocrystals elicit neuronal activity in vivo. Small 2008, 4, 1747-1755.

  1. 41. Tortiglione C, Quarta A, Tino A, Manna L, Cingolani R and Pellegrino T. Synthesis and biological assay of GSH functionalized fluorescent quantum dots for staining Hydra vulgaris. Bioconjugate chemistry 2007, 18, 829-835.

  1. 42. Pierobon, P., Sogliano, C., Minei, R., Tino, A., Porcu, P., Marino, G., Tortiglione, C. and Concas, A. Putative NMDA receptors in Hydra: a biochemical and functional study. Eur J Neurosci  2004, 20, 2598-604.

Conference proceedings

  1. 37.Ambrosone A, Marchesano V, Mattera L, Tino A, Tortiglione C*  "Bridging the fields of nanoscience and toxicology: nanoparticle impact on biological models", Proc. SPIE 2011, 7909, 79090B (2011); doi:10.1117/12.874494

  2. 38.Malvindi MA, Quarta A, Tino A, Pellegrino T, Tortiglione C*. Elucidating the mechanisms of cellular uptake of rod shaped semiconductor nanocrystals: a tunable interaction. EUROPEAN CELLS & MATERIALS 2009, Suppl.2, vol. 18, 8.

(Tortiglione former publications)

  1. 39.Pierobon, P., Sogliano, C., Minei, R., Tino, A., Porcu, P., Marino, G., Tortiglione, C. and Concas, A. (2004). Putative NMDA receptors in Hydra: a biochemical and functional study. Eur J Neurosci 20, 2598-604.

  1. 40.Rao, R., Breuer, M., Tortiglione, C., Malva, C., Baggerman, G., Corrado, G., De Loof, A., and Pennacchio, F. (2004). Transgenic expression in tobacco of a poly-proctolin construct leading to production of the bioactive peptide. Biotechnology letters 26, 1413-1420.

  1. 41. Tortiglione, C., Fogliano, V., Ferracane, R., Fanti, P., Pennacchio, F., Monti, L. M. and Rao, R. (2003). An insect peptide engineered into the tomato prosystemin gene is released in transgenic tobacco plants and exerts biological activity. Plant Mol Biol 53, 891-902.

  1. 42. Tortiglione, C., Fanti, P, Pennacchio, F, Malva, C, Breuer, M, De Loof, A, Monti, L, Rao, R. (2002). The expression in tobacco plants of Aedes aegypti Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor (Aea-TMOF) alters growth and development of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens. Molecular breeding 9, 159-169.

  1. 43. Rotoli, D., Andone, S., Tortiglione, C., Manzi, A., Malva, C. and Graziani, F. (1998). hold up is required for establishment of oocyte positioning, follicle cell fate and egg polarity and cooperates with Egfr during Drosophila oogenesis. Genetics 148, 767-73.

  1. 44. Tortiglione, C., Bownes, M. (1997). Conservation and divergence in the control of a sex-differentiation gene in dipterans. Development Genes Evolution 207, 264-281.

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Tommasini G. et al, 2023